Black Garlic Dark Balsamic Vinegar


Our sweet black garlic dark balsamic, reminiscent of Asian cuisine, is perfect for drizzling over stir-fried chicken or pork. This vinegar’s flavours include ample umami, soy, garlic, and a hint of licorice, complementing the cooked grape must. Use it in vinaigrettes, Asian sauces, and marinades, and drizzle over steamed leafy green vegetables to enhance the vinegar’s aroma.

  • Combine with Chipotle or Harissa Olive Oil to marinate lamb chops before grilling or roasting.
  • Brush on pears, peaches, apricots, and pineapple slices prior to grilling.
  • Combine with any MillPress olive oil to make fantastic salad dressing.
  • Drizzle on fresh ricotta, ice cream, and fresh berries.


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