Welcome to our fresh fundraising program!
Start healthy.
Have you had your fill of cookie dough and chocolate bars? Della Terra has created a healthy and unique alternative! With a fantastic selection of palate-pleasing oils and balsamic vinegars, this fundraising program is ready to bring something new to the (dinner) table.
Add simplicity.
Easy to execute with no upfront costs. We’ll supply order forms, product catalogues and FAQs for all of your canvassers. You’ll simply sell delicious products and keep a portion of the sales for your organization.
Fresh thinking.
Our program has been specifically designed to help local non-profit organizations in a more effective way. Since opening our doors in 2013, we have donated to many groups and events across the Niagara Region and realized that a fundraising program such as this would allow us to help these groups generate bigger dollars, making a bigger difference.
If your non-profit organization would like to learn more about this program, please complete the contact form on this page and we will be in touch with details.
*Please note that our fundraising program is only available in Ontario at this time.